More Leftist Dogma
Barack gave his acceptance speech tonight. It was definitely a historic moment, all partisanship aside - and on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s March on Washington address.
After acknowledging the moment, I listened to his speech. I can't say that I agreed with it. For a man who has talked a big deal about "hope" and "change", it turned out to be "more of the same" tired, re-hashed left-wing rhetoric: Government good. Free enterprise bad. Regulation good. Market forces bad. Cradle-to-grave socialism good. Liberty and self-determination bad. Class warfare good. Success and prospertiy bad. Peace through weakness good. Peace through strength bad. Domestic oil bad. Blowing wind and sunshine up one's buttocks good.
The speech was nothing but a rehash of "liberal" talking points, with a bit of John McCain-bashing thrown in.
I can't bring myself to support or vote for Obama; it isn't due to the color of his skin, but simply because of the content of his character. An Obama administration would not be a dream, but a nightmare.
Now that the Chicom Cheaters Charade is behind us, let's see what's going on in Denver - where the DNC are putting the WWE to shame in terms of glitter and showmanship.
Outside the Pepsi Center, both Zombie and Stephen Green filed reports of the usual radical contingent attempting to recreate the Chicago atmosphere from 40 years ago. Photos appear to indicate that most aging hippies just wanted to sit back and enjoy the boilerplate speeches inside the convention hall.
And speaking of boilerplate speeches, the audience is being warmed up for Mrs. The Obamessiah as we type this (though we will admit that it was good to see Ted Kennedy still alive and kicking; best wishes go out to him and his family, all politics aside).